Garden Pic Wednesday: Garden Survivors

 Today's pictures are all winter freeze survivors that thrived despite the temperatures.

This clump of fall annuals:
 I covered it with a plastic yard trash bag and two layers of towels during the 2 hard freezes this season in North Florida and it's quite happy now.
Tall seems is a healthy looking Cosmos, plus lots of Chinese Forget-Me-Nots, Bachelor Button greenery and a Coreopsis plus a couple Easter Lilies that were already there are poking thru.

My pot of Cilantro prefers Florida winter.
I never even covered it. Time for Mexican cooking!

My container of Green Onions
Also not covered. Great for snipping fresh all winter long!

My container of Valentine Sorrel
You can see just a few outer leaves were effected by the freeze. Sorrel is edible perennial; sort of lemony. Can be used like an herb in salads, sauces, soups & casseroles.
It's called Valentine because of the pretty red-veining. It's a member of the buckwheat family. 


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