My Most Embarrassing Moment
It happened at a small, 2 year college in southern Indiana. I was at the Student Union building. It was morning. I had to go to the the bathroom. Now the thing to understand about this Student Union building is it had 2 sets of restroom facilities, one on either side. However, they were juxtaposed. On one side, the Ladies Room was first; on the other the Mens Room was first. I normally went in and out on the side where the Ladies room was first, but this particular day, I was on the opposite side of the building and forgot to think of that when I chose a restroom. I just blatantly walked into the nearest without even thinking where I was. It was empty. I just walked into a stall. When I came out, I went to the sink to wash my hands. Still, I saw no one else. Lifting my eyes to the mirror to check my hair, I suddenly observed a row of urinals lining the wall behind me and thought, "That's funny, I never noticed those in the Ladies Room before." Then it dawned on me. I WASN'T in the Ladies room. This was the MENS ROOM!
I turned and fled, red-faced with embarassment back into the hallway. The hall was as empty as the restroom had been, so, luckily, I escaped this little faux pas without anyone seeing me.
I turned and fled, red-faced with embarassment back into the hallway. The hall was as empty as the restroom had been, so, luckily, I escaped this little faux pas without anyone seeing me.
*Write a story from college was this weeks prompt*
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