Garden Pic Wednesday: Black Swallowtail Caterpillars!

I noticed my car's battery indicator on this morning, so decided not to go to the Y. We'll take it to a shop to determine the exact problem. I'm pleased to say I've had numerous little "guests" munching away on my parsley this week. I have a pot of flat parsley on the patio and a clump of curly in the back garden bed that's been going to seed this year. I actually saw the Black Swallowtail butterfly visiting my parsley a couple weeks ago and hoped she was leaving eggs. She was a huge, healthy sized butterfly. This morning I had 7 caterpillars. Two in the pot, five in the clump in the far back. I moved one of the 5 from the back to the patio pot, so they're 3 in it now. Since then the 4 in far back clump have vanished. Birds don't like 'em because they taste bad, so I can only assume they've all taken off to find a safe place to cocoon. Now I only have the 3 in the pot parsley and think they'll most likely disappear in the next ...