Garden Pic Wednesday: Metal Sun Garden Art!

Today, Hubby cleared all the pine needles off the roof mostly to keep the gutters clear, in case we get any rain from this tropical storm brewing Southeast of us. He also polished off the mowing. We may not get any rain, but such storms are large and it's possible an outer-most band might drop a little rain our way. Best to be ready. Also we have our annual termite inspection tomorrow, so I was cleaning up around the edges of the house. Today's Garden Pic is a some Garden Art: It's actually an old wind-chime a neighbor gave me before they moved away several years ago. It was originally all rusted. I happened to have pink spray paint on hand, so that's what I painted with, then brushed it off a little. It used to hang on a tree branch, but that tree is gone, so I randomly set it here against the base of this pine until I decided what to do with it. Then I realized was perfect for this spot, since it blends in nicely with the red block walls on either side. Anyone ...