Garden Pic Wednesday: Funny Tree Frogs
Well, my electric lawn-mower gave up the ghost today. That's a good thing, so now I can look into ordering a new cordless electric mower that uses a rechargeable battery instead of a power cord. It's be so much easier. Today's Garden Pics feature cute little tree frogs in funny places: Here's a tree frog in my planter peeking out: I have these cool planters out on my patio that have built-in spaces on the bottom to hold water and this is the hole is available to add water directly, though it also trickles down through the dirt. There's a little water in there and tree frogs like to stay moist. I looked out the back sliding glass door, saw him and grabbed this picture! This was the only day I saw him. Tree frog in my Queen of Tears Bromeliad I discovered this little guy has take up residence in my Queen of Tears plant that's in a pot on a stand in my rain garden out back. The center of the plant and surrounding leaves hold a bit of water a...