Mama Kat Thursday: Recent Finds

The Mama Kat prompt I've chosen today is: use the word "Found." I accidentally broke my Corning Visions Dutch Oven this past week. I was bereft. It was my spaghetti sauce & soup pot. I also liked it. It was a pretty smoky colored glass. Visions aren't made anymore and this one was a lucky Goodwill find a good many years ago. It broke in the sink while I was washing it when a glass measuring cup I was washing just above it, slipped out of my fingers and dropped into it. The dutch oven had 2 inches of hot soapy water in it and, being warm, the bottom simply shattered. So I started researching various places online for a suitable replacement I might like. I finally settled on Wayfair---they had a sale going on and shipping is free with them always. So for a new Dutch oven, I found: This Denmark enamel-coated cast-iron Dutch oven with a heat resistant lid and safe-touch handles that can be used on stove top or in the oven up to 350 degrees. It was on sale for $33....