Bananas Thursday: An Odd Conversation
I wasn't trying to be funny. Really. But it was just a very odd conversation. It happened in the ladies dressing room at the YMCA. I was alone in the room and, having just finished the water aerobics class, was putting my shoes and socks on, when a lady I know from the base chapel came in. I often see her in various Y classes as well, sometimes even water aerobics. She asked me if I knew so-and-so, who'd recently died. I said I didn't. She said so-and-so used to be a regular in the water aerobics classes. Well, for one thing most of the ladies who attend water aerobics, aside from myself, the instructor and one other gal, average between 65 and 80. Secondly, I don't know their names. Now if she'd shown me a picture and said "this is so-and-so," I would have said, "Ah...