Creative Friday: Modern Circles Grad Magnetic Card
I couldn't post last Friday because I was sick---we'd eaten chopped taco salad the night before at a friend's, then by the next afternoon---I was feeling really ew. Pretty confident it was the salad. Today's creative moment is sharing a recent Grad Photo Magentic card I designed. I call it "Modern Circles." It's postcard size, so it can be easily inserted into the same envelope as the matching Graduation Invitation pe rfect for friends and family to put on their frig as a date reminder! Modern Circles Grad Photo Magnetic Card. Other Exciting News I recently got an email from Zazzle that they will be featuring me and my Zazzle store on their official blog sometime in next few months. (One has to meet certain criteria and fill out an application to be considered.) Zazzle is also having a Wedding Design Contest. I have the whole month of April to work on it. Wedding designs (including all the paper goods and accessories) i...