Mama Kat Thursday: Best 2014 Posts
Welcome to Mama Kat Thursday! Today's topics is:
"A year in review! So compile your most popular posts & pictures from 2014!"
"A year in review! So compile your most popular posts & pictures from 2014!"
So, here they are: my most visited posts ranging from Good Eating Monday recipes to Garden Pic Wednesday photos to Mama Kat Thursday blog prompt stories!
If you've read them before, you can read them again and if you're discovering them for the first time, enjoy!

Good Eating Monday: Blueberry Muffin Cake:
A recipe for this delicious lemon-blueberry
bundt cake! 60 Visits

Garden Pic Wednesday: Coneflowers!
Lovely pictures of both my own pink
Coneflowers and also a picture of
my Mom with hers. 59 visits

My list of 10 favorite childhood snacks.
59 Visits
Mama Kat Thursday: A Sweaty Problem:
A story about my Hubby's sudden allergy to underarm deordant & how we solved it.
59 visits

Mama Kat Thursday: Vintage Velveeta Recipe:
I grew up with. 53 visits.

Friday Finds: My Zazzle iPhone 6 Designs
A selection of some of my best case designs for the new iphones! 51 visits

Mama Kat Thursday: The Win
A story about my beginner fencing
class experience. 51 visits.

Mama Kat Thursday: Just 12 Lines
A true police story from my local paper shared in just 12 sentences about a guy
who left keys in his truck and couldn't understand why it was gone. 50 visits.

Garden Pic Wednesday: First Dutch Iris:
My photo of my first Dutch Iris bloom
in my garden last spring. 49 Visits.

Friday Finds: New Swahili Bibles In Kenya:
Photos & story about the joy new Bibles from our
Singles Ministry gave a community in Kenya.
49 Visits
My "Fav Blog Recipes" and "Fav Mama Kat Blog Prompts" can be found on boards at my Pinterest!
(Note: I went with the prompt as listed in my email from Mama Kat.)
Thanks for visitng!

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