Garden Pic Wednesday: About Rose Hips
Do you know anything about Rose Hips? I'd herd the name, but didn't know that much about them until I looked up. Rose hips are the fruit of the rose the appears after the rose is spent. Roses are actually members of the crab-apple family, so their fruit is basically like a very small, slightly tart crab apple. They are also called Rose Haws. To get them, you have to leave your roses untrimmed and let them "go to seed." This is a photo a my own climbing rose on it's trellis, thick with hips. The bright orange are ripe, I think. Yes, they are edible---but not the seeds within. Those should be removed. Slice open, removed the seeds, rinse and prepare as desired. Rose hips can be used for teas, sauces, jelly, seasoning & tea---fresh or dried. Any rose hips can be used, but there is a certain kind of rose called Rose Rugusa , which makes very large size hips that are easier to work with. Rose hips are valued for their high Vitamin C. Co...